"Holliston" is a horror-comedy television series that aired on FEARnet from 2012-2013. The show revolves around two down and out aspiring filmmakers, Adam and Joe, who struggle with life, career, and the opposite sex as they attempt to make it out of the small town they're trapped in and into the big time.
"Holliston" is set in show creator Adam Green's actual hometown of Holliston, Massachusetts, and features various cameos from horror icons. The main cast also features Twisted Sister's Dee Snider and Dave Brockie from GWAR playing his classic alter ego "Oderus Urungus". All the pieces are there to match the interests of the S1E1 boys, but will they give it the Green-light? Listen as they deep dive the show's first episode, "The Hooker".
Starring: Adam Green, Joe Lynch, Laura Ortiz, Corri English, Nick Ballard, Michele Santopietro, Dave Brockie, Dee Snider, & DeAnna Pappas
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